Saturday, November 17, 2012

Committee of SMAN 2 Bogor Year Book

Hi! I'm here as a leader of SMAN 2 Bogor year book project.
I just wanna show how glad I am to have committees like them.
They have a great responsibility.

Here they are..

And this is the girls, without Aulia Komala. She had something important to do when we did it. But, no problem. She is still in our heart <3 p="p">


Yeah! I've just spared my time with my elementary school best friend.
They are, Gina Levina Dirahma, Nabila Nur Sabrina, Nurida Rachmawati, Angelin Febriana, (me), Anggi Fitriani Harahap.
We had made this friendship since we were in an elementary school. It's about.. 4 grade maybe.
And yesterday (17-11-12) we played together at my house.
And all members of Girlie came! How glad I am!!!!

Here's the picture of us: 

Left to right
(Gina, Bila, Rida, Angel, Rina, Anggi)

Wuff you guys!

Thursday, November 15, 2012



Positive thinking for a positive effect

Positive thinking will make a positive effect.
We have to get used to think positively.

If you are not brave or confident enough to make a choice, it means a skepticism.
Here's an example.
When you do a math, when your brain says "can't", your mouth will say "can't" and your hand will can't do it too. And those things happen because of the first thought.

So, it's important for us to think positively.
Plant in your heart that, 
"I can do it, I'm brave enough, I can pass all problems, I can reach my dream, I deserve it!"

As a Moslem, so InsyaAllah, you can get what you want. Amin.

Ungu Cliquers

Hai semuanya! Udah lama nih gak posting, soalnya banyak banget kerjaan yg harus dikerjain.
Mulai dari bikin project Adobe Flash, terus foto buku tahunan, ngurusinnya, dan tugas-tugas lainnya.
Ah banyak deh!! Gini ternyata ya rasanya jadi anak kelas 12 SMA huhu

Sekarang gue sedang menemukan jati diri gue yang lama.
Ya, Ungu Cliquers!
Bukan jadi hal yang gue anggep "iyuh", tapi gue malah seneng kalo tau dulu gue adalah seorang Cliquers.

Kenapa tiba-tiba?
Gue juga bingung awalnya apa, tapi ini semua gue lalui bersama temen gue Nurul Fazry. Dia juga Cliquers ternyata. Entah apa yang bikin kita nostalgia, intinya gue nostalgia sama dia di kelas.
Kita inget banget di masa kalau misalkan Ungu ada di tv, selalu pantengin. Mau pagi, siang, sore, malem.

Dan gue jadi Cliquers itu waktu gue SD sampe SMP kelas 7 lah. Sampe akhirnya gue kenal genre genre musik yang lain. Lucunya, gue sm temen gue ini bener bener masih hafal banget lirik lagu Ungu (bukan album baru) sampe sampe nada gitar, drum, teriakan di intro pun kita hafal.

Gak cuma itu, biodata personilnya aja masih inget :3 Akakakkk
Yang gue inget dari band Ungu tuh, kalo manggung mau on air atau off air, gak pernah lips sync.
Dan ini yang membuat gue bangga menjadi Cliquers. Muahahaha

Sampe saat ini, gue gatau kenapa Ungu menamai fans-nya itu Cliquers.

With love,

Shabrina Tri Andini

Friday, September 7, 2012


After Park Ki Woong, now I have another idol from South Korea.
Who is it? Who is it???

Yap! That's true!
He's JB a.k.a. Im Jae Bum.

Im Jae Bum (Hangul: 임재범; Hanja:林宰範; born January 6, 1994), commonly known by his stage name JB is a South Korean singer and member of the duo JJ Project under JYP Entertainment. On May 19, 2012 the music video for "Bounce" was released and the duo debuted their promotions for "Bounce" on M! Countdown on May 24, 2012

JB was born in Seoul, South Korea on January 6, 1994. He was scouted by JYP Entertainment from JYP Trainee Open Recruitment 5th Audition where he tied in first place with Jr. He then underwent training for 2 years and 6 months before his debut. Official statement made by JYP explained that a new group will be made during the second half of 2012, which includes Jr. and JB, rumored to be call J&J. The JJ Project debuted on May 20, 2012.
He is currently attending at Sewon High School.

(source: wikipedia)

I knew him from watching Dream High 2. It was like falling in love at the first sight..


Saturday, August 25, 2012


Berawal dari....
Berawal dari....
Berawal dari...
Entahlah, ga ada awalnya kayanya

Masih inget dengan kucing gue yang bernama Thomas itu? Kalo belum tau, bisa dicek di cerita sebelumnya disini.

Thomas sekarang sudah genap 17bulan berada di rumah gue. Ya, semenjak gue temukan dia dalam pot depan rumah.
Gue gak lagi pengen ceritain tentang kelucuan dia tapi..
Semenjak 2012, kelakuan dia berubah T_T


Ini emang bukan pertama kalinya gue pergi ke toko bahan kue.
Tapi ini pertama kalinya gue ditinggal sendiri, membeli bahan kue yang udah di sms oleh kaka gue.
Gue memasuki salah satu toko bahan kue di Bogor yang letaknya gak jauh dari SMP gue dulu..

Gue membuka sms yang isinya bahan bahan yang harus dibeli.
Ya, gue dan kaka gue berencana buat bikin red velvet.

Gue mulai mencari bahan demi bahan...
Suasana toko sangat ramai karena hari menjelang lebaran. Dimana orang yang ingin membuat kue kering berkumpul di tempat ini. Panas. Gerah. Berdesakan.

An Unusual Ramadhan

Hello there! I'd like to tell you about this Ramadhan (1433H)
This Ramadhan wasn't as easy as before. I mean, this is harder.

First of all, my aunt was sick and she has to be hospitalized.
Her illness wasn't usual. It's kind of her cerebral vascular broke.
And she had to be bald and did a surgery.

After that, my Mom was sick too. It was like a symptoms of chikungunya.
Then, me. I was sick. Such a symptoms of dengue fever.. My face was pale, and I didn't have any spirits.
My Daddy was sick too. Like my Mom.

The hardest thing is this one.
My uncle passed away because of heart attack.
I was so sad, really sad. I mourned for some days.....

Then, when my family canceled to go to Surabaya by car because the condition of my Dad wasn't good.
So we chose to go to Surabaya by plan. At the first, my Dad didn't get the tickets for 5 of us.
But finally we could go when Eid Mubarak happened.....

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Kalian pasti pernah mencoba ciki Taro kan?
Rahasia apa yang ada dibalik ciki taro?
Ayo kita simak!!!

Lihat dari bungkusnya... Mungkin kalian akan berfikir kalo ini adalah ciki taro biasa......
Coba perhatikan baik baik...
Sekali lagi..
Dan lagi...

Dibagian bawah dari ciki ini terdapat suatu tulisan yang mengagetkan saya ketika ingin membukanya..
Tulisan tersebut berbunyi..
"Hanya untuk yang punya jiwa petualang."

Maksudnya apa??! Terus kalo kita ga punya jiwa petualang, kita ga boleh makan itu?
Terus ada sanksi kalo kita ngelanggar?
Maksud tulisan itu apa?

Mendidik kita supaya kita punya jiwa petualang?
Gue juga ga ngerti lagi..

Thursday, June 28, 2012

World Conspiracy

Seperti yang ada pada judul, postingan ini bernama konspirasi dunia.
Untuk yang belum tahu, biarkan saya jelaskan terlebih dahulu.

Teori persekongkolan atau teori konspirasi (dalam bahasa Inggrisconspiracy theory) adalah teori-teori yang berusaha menjelaskan bahwa penyebab tertinggi dari satu atau serangkaian peristiwa (pada umumnya peristiwa politiksosial, atau sejarah) adalah suatu rahasia, dan seringkali memperdaya, direncanakan diam-diam oleh sekelompok rahasia orang-orang atau organisasi yang sangat berkuasa atau berpengaruh. Banyak teori konspirasi yang mengklaim bahwa peristiwa-peristiwa besar dalam sejarah telah didominasi oleh para konspirator belakang layar yang memanipulasi kejadian-kejadian politik.

Mengapa saya memilih untuk membahas hal ini?

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Are you guys knowing what Perniks is?
Perniks means Pergelaran Seni Kreasi Smanda.
And in this year, my lovely class XI Social 2 presented a story which written by me and other friends titled 
The story is about love. There were 5 princesses and a girl named Bawang Putih. They snatched a boy named Jaka Tarub. And in the end Bawang Putih was with Jaka Tarub and the princesses were with Kabayan, Jaka's friend.
And in this story, I acted as Cleopatra. Cleopatra was a host in Cinderlayla's birthday party.



Wednesday, May 30, 2012






I don't have to introduce myself anymore. Cause you all know who I am.
I'm an ordinary girl which full of spirits and wishes.
I'm just an untalented girl who was born on 1994.
Now I'm 17. In this 17, I feel like many differences of life.
Have you ever felt like nobody appreciates what you've done?
Or maybe people see you by what you've done. Not what you've been through?
It just... suck.
I've ever joined some competition and the jury acted like they made me drop.
I just hate it. So much. Who don't hate if there are people said that your life is messy just because you don't have any talents like anybody else?
Should I do what you want? Can that thing makes me success someday? Are you the one who make a destiny of my life? I wanna mad but I still appreciate them.
"Hey you, the woman and men. Read this. This is for ya.
So now, I'm an untalented girl.
I just can do a lil beat box, make some quotes, make some stories, become a host, make people smile and laugh, and lil acting.
Once more, my life is messy and I'm untalented.
Don't try to ask some helps from me.
Accept me from who I am. Not what I got."

For the readers,
Keep smiling and enjoying this life! :)
This isn't for ya but for those people :p

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Example of Hortatory Exposition

People shouldn't Share Their Problems
In Social Network

Thesis  : Sharing problems in social network really annoys to other people and embarass themselves who do it.

Argue1: Firstly, people who share their problems in social network really annoys to other people. In Facebook and Twitter, there are many unstable teenagers who post their problems here. Here’s an example....

“I’m so sad. Nobody cares with me. My parents never think about me. They just think about money, money, and money.”

Social network is not about share the problem like this. As a user of social network, I feel like they are disturbing my vision with their status. I wanna see news from people updates, but when they use it for sharing their problems, it’s annoying.

Argue2: Not only annoys to other people, sharing problems in social network embarass themselves. With posting like what I show before, people think that the person who posted it has a terrible life. And it shows us that the person isn’t polite enough. It just makes us think that the person is bad. And it embarrasses her/himself.

Recommended: Finally, I strongly agree that people shouldn’t share their problem in social network. It’s better for them to write their feeling in a book which called diary or they just have to share it with their friends. Because if share their problems in social network, every people who is online will know the bad side of them.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Hullaaa semuanya!! Gue mau share sedikit cerita tentang Duta Digital im3. Apaan tuh? Ayo cari tau!
Mulanya, temen gue yang bernama Zuhair atau akrab disapa Zuzu ini mendatangi gue saat ada acara AKAS di Sekolah. Ternyata tim indosat menanyakan padanya, dan dia merekomendasikan gue sebagai perwakilan Smanda dalam Duta im3 gitu.

Waktu telah berlalu, dan pada tanggal 31 Maret 2012, ada acara Hang Out bareng dari Indosat yang sama sekali gue nggak tau siapa siapa ajakah yang akan ada disana. Gue menghubungi temen gue yang ikutan kaya gini juga, yakni Fahri Fahreza. Setelah gue tanya-tanya, taunya dia harkos dan gak ikut. Setelah itu gue tanya temen gue satu lagi, Rumaisha Safitri atau akrab dipanggil Caca ini. Dia bisa dateng, dan gue pun janjian sama dia di suatu tempat sebelum ke Indosat.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


"I don't know what I've to do with my heart. It has just fallen so deeply. And has been hurting so many. But still stands so strongly." - Shabrina Tri Andini, 17 years old, student.



Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Selasa, 14 Februari 2012.
Orang bilang tanggal 14 Februari itu tanggal yang spesial khusus kaum yang berpasangan.
Tapi tidak buat yang single.
Tanggal 14 Februari dianggap biasa aja, atau bahkan dianggap gak ada di kalender.

Kenapa mereka harus berlaku seperti itu?
Sebenernya semakin mereka para single menolak akan adanya hari valentine, maka akan semakin ketawan kalau mereka jomblo tingkat PNS.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Hey guys!! See what? Yes, we are now in 2012! *play the fireworks*
So what we have to do is let the past be your history.
We live for future, not for history. So guys if you can't forget about your past.... Just get a life!!!!

And in 2012 it means...
New Year. New Spirit. New Life. New Love.
Throw the bad habits. Make a new thing which is meaningful. Don't waste time.
Don't think too much about bad things in last year. Just make them as an experience to be better this year.
Don't do the same mistake. Be careful of doing something.

Let your past make you better, not bitter.
*Hope the end of day won't happen in 121212 :p*