Saturday, December 24, 2011
Birthday, Seventeen
Guys! I'm 17 now. Lil bit older from before.
I wish I can be success. I can get my happiness. I loved by people. I can forget my bad memories.
I can be healthy. I'm getting slimmer. I'm getting richer. I'm getting higher. Amin O:)
I wish I can be success. I can get my happiness. I loved by people. I can forget my bad memories.
I can be healthy. I'm getting slimmer. I'm getting richer. I'm getting higher. Amin O:)
Thursday, December 15, 2011
You know what??
Gue mulai mabuk akan artis korea yang bernama
Gue bukan gila akan boyband boyband itu.
Tapi ini semua terjadi ketika hari ini, 15 Desember 2011 temen gue yg bernama Arsila Imani Bastonus mengajak gue untuk menonton film "My Tutor Friend 2" di rumah Denissa.
Alhasil gue jatuh cinta dengan aktor korea ini.
Gue mulai mabuk akan artis korea yang bernama
Gue bukan gila akan boyband boyband itu.
Tapi ini semua terjadi ketika hari ini, 15 Desember 2011 temen gue yg bernama Arsila Imani Bastonus mengajak gue untuk menonton film "My Tutor Friend 2" di rumah Denissa.
Alhasil gue jatuh cinta dengan aktor korea ini.
Tanggal lahir : 13 Februari 1985
Lahir di : Korea Selatan
Zodiac : Aquarius
Lahir di : Korea Selatan
Zodiac : Aquarius
Gak gak gak kuat liat fotonya...
I'm melting.....
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Edit foto jadi lecek adobe photoshop
Gak sengaja. Iseng aja edit foto jadi kaya gini...
Gimana caranya?
Err.. simple aja sih
1. Cari gambar kertas lecek. Boleh ambil kertas lu lecek-lecekin sendiri terus lu foto. Atau bisa minta sama Google. Masukin aja keyword "kertas lecek". Maka akan dapat seperti ini..
Gimana caranya?
Err.. simple aja sih
1. Cari gambar kertas lecek. Boleh ambil kertas lu lecek-lecekin sendiri terus lu foto. Atau bisa minta sama Google. Masukin aja keyword "kertas lecek". Maka akan dapat seperti ini..
2. Abis itu, buka adobe photoshop dan buka gambar kertas lecek yang tadi lu udah cari, buka di adobe.
3. Setelah itu buka salah satu foto, terserah foto apa aja. Muka lu, kaki lu atau bahkan foto leher lu ya gapapa. Masukin juga ke adobe.
4. After that, drag foto kertas lecek itu ke foto satu lagi yang udah lu buka. Kan jadi ketindihan tuh ya..
5. Pencet Ctrl+T atau EDIT Free Transform untuk menyesuaikan kertas lecek dengan ukuran foto.
6. Klik pada layer kertas lecek, lalu kecilkan opacity. Kira-kira 50% kebawah.
7. Selesai........
Any question? No? Okay wasalam.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Are you a type of person who can get anything what you want?
Are you a type of person who have anything you need?
Are you a type of person who have a thing which is useful?
Are you a type of person who have anything you need?
Are you a type of person who have a thing which is useful?
Have you ever think that you are lucky?
Open your eyes... And you should down to earth.
In this globalization era, many people who still can't have what they need. Not only what they want.
For fill their life is also hard. For eating, drinking, taking a bath, etc.
Now, think that you are lucky. You have to be grateful for what you have now.
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Awal yang baik untuk menikmati bulan ini.
Karena apa? Walaupun ga seberapa, tapi tetep aja gue seneng.
Mention gue dibales sama Radit T_T *terharu*
Butuh 79876 kali untuk mention dia dan dibales. Disaat gue cuma iseng tweet dan akhirnya dibales tuh rasanya seperti....... seperti itulah pokoknya.
Awal yang baik untuk menikmati bulan ini.
Karena apa? Walaupun ga seberapa, tapi tetep aja gue seneng.
Mention gue dibales sama Radit T_T *terharu*
Butuh 79876 kali untuk mention dia dan dibales. Disaat gue cuma iseng tweet dan akhirnya dibales tuh rasanya seperti....... seperti itulah pokoknya.
Zonk Day Ever
November 2011.
Awalnya, november ini emang rada ngenes buat gue.
Kenapa? Soalnya ga ada apa apa. November pun berjalan seiring berjalannya waktu.
Tiba tiba.. saat akhir akhir menjelang Desember berlangsung.. Tepatnya hari Senin.
Waktu itu gue lagi mau les di tempat kursus bahasa inggris ternama di Bogor.
Hari itu, gue bersama temen gue yg berinisial Alifia Nugrahani Permana... terhasut oleh godaan syetan.
Ya, kita berniat untuk ga masuk kelas padahal kita udah berada disana. Akhirnya setelah kita berdua melakukan konferensi...
Awalnya, november ini emang rada ngenes buat gue.
Kenapa? Soalnya ga ada apa apa. November pun berjalan seiring berjalannya waktu.
Tiba tiba.. saat akhir akhir menjelang Desember berlangsung.. Tepatnya hari Senin.
Waktu itu gue lagi mau les di tempat kursus bahasa inggris ternama di Bogor.
Hari itu, gue bersama temen gue yg berinisial Alifia Nugrahani Permana... terhasut oleh godaan syetan.
Ya, kita berniat untuk ga masuk kelas padahal kita udah berada disana. Akhirnya setelah kita berdua melakukan konferensi...
You know that I am so glad to know that we're now in December?
Why I am so glad?
December is the last month in 2011.. I really put my hopes on it. Also with God's helps.
I just want that I can get my happiness in this month.
This month is my month. A month when I was born. A month when people around me remember my date, my name and my story.
I can't wait for 24th. That's my seventeen.
Hope you all can enjoy December perfectly.
My biggest hope in ithin month, I hope this month is full of love.
Welcome Back
Apa kabar blogger? Apa kabar reader? Long time no posting yahhh ;)
Sebenernya banyak banget cerita yang mau gue ceritain tapi ya gimana ya susah buat ditulis satu satu. Ga ditulis tapi diketik emmm apa coba.
Oh iya, hari Senin besok gue udah UAS nih. Ujian Akhir Semester. Ya oke gue ulang sekali lagi... UJIAN.... AKHIR.... SEMESTER...
Bro bayangin H-2 nih dan gue masih aja duduk depan komputer dan menyempatkan diri untuk nge-blog.
Yaudah deh pokoknya buat yang mau UAS, semangat men! Gue doain ga ada remed diantara kita.
Salam Hangat Peluk Cium Basah,
Friday, November 11, 2011
Morning fellas!!
You know what? Yesterday... 11.11.11 there was something happened..
What's that?
My bestfriend... got a boyfriend for the first time hahaha I don't know why but that's so funny to know that.
You know what? Yesterday... 11.11.11 there was something happened..
What's that?
My bestfriend... got a boyfriend for the first time hahaha I don't know why but that's so funny to know that.
I was so glad to know that finally my friend ended her singleness.
Longlast guys!!!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
KIR IPS SMANDA 2011-2012
Kamis, 3 November 2011
Kriiiing *bel pulang sekolah berbunyi*
Saat itu, gue emang berencana gak langsung pulang karena mau bikin poster PKN bareng sama Angel dan Dita.
Ini emang bukan bagian yang spesial. Karena apa? Karena... Emang ga ada yang spesial di bagian ini.
Kelas gue (IPS 2) lagi dipake lapaknya sama KIR IPS Smanda.
Gue awalnya cuma liat liat doang, tapi... tiba-tiba...
Gue merasa terhasut. Ya, terhipnotis. Gue merasa pengen bergabung dan merambah kegiatan dalam dunia per-ekskul-an di sekolah gue.
Akhirnya, dengan sedikit perundingan dengan Angel, gue masuk kelas itu dan bilang ke Bu Anet,
"Ibu... Aku boleh masuk KIR IPS gak?" *dengan muka prihatin*
Si Ibu pun langsung menoleh dan berkata, "Iya tentu boleh nak.."
Akhirnya gue masuk dengan tampang clingak clinguk dan duduk di depan.
Di eskul ini emang ada temen gue, ada Lulu, Karina, Aca, Aci, dll.
Gue masuk kebetulan lagi pindah jabatan gitu ketua lamanya.
Ketua barunya As'ad, wakilnya Karina. Dan tiba-tiba Karina bilang dia butuh wakil 2.
Saat itu perasaan gue emang sedikit ga enak. Tapi gue tetep pasang muka kaya ga ada apa apa.
Bu Anet menyuruh Karina buat nentuin siapa orang yang bakal jadi wakil 2 itu.
Dan Karina menyebutkan nama.... GUE. Ya, gue. Gue yang baru aja beberapa menit duduk dalam kelas itu dan baru saja baru banget masuk KIR IPS.
Aneh ga? Aneh ya? Gue juga bingung. Tapi mungkin dia emang percaya sama gue kali. Gue bersyukur aja deh udah dipercaya.
Dan tadi... 5 November 2011 gue dan segelintir KIR IPS Smanda baru aja ngadain Baksos di daerah Kedung Halang gitu. Dan ya... not bad lah.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
No one cares
"Ga ada yang peduli.. :( "
This is not the first time I saw a tweet like this in my timeline. What's wrong with people in 2011?
Are they getting crazy with their life or they just act like they want to be cared?????
Gue ga ngerti sama jalan pikiran mereka yang dikit dikit ngetweet "ga ada yang peduli."
Ga ditanya udah makan apa belom, doi ngetweet "ga ada yang peduli."
Ga ditanya lagi apa, langsung ngetweet "ga ada yang peduli."
Emang apa sih yang dimaksud dengan peduli dalam kata "ga ada yang peduli." itu???
Jangan lebay deh. Lu merasa ga ada yang peduli kalo emang hidup lu sengasara, ga ada yang nolong sama sekali, ga ada yang inget lu. Ga ada yang ngasih lu makan.
Nah ini, hidup enak, minta apa apa dikasih, punya pacar iya, masih makan 3kali sehari bahkan lebih, masih dikasih uang jajan. Segitu ga ada yang peduli? Heran saya.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Seperti yang ada pada judul yaitu.. "Harkos"
Kenapa? Ya, malam itu tanggal 15 Oktober 2011.. Gue berasa nge-harkosin orang orang.
Hiks banget ga? Hiks kannn? Karena apa dong???
Malam itu... berhubung gue tkg pulsa yang baik, gue kirim jarkom ke orang2 kalo gue udah ada saldo.
Dan taunya apa?! Pas mereka sms gue mau pulsa, taunya gue ga ada pulsa buat ngirim.
Demi apapun itu, gue ga bermaksud buat melakukan semua hal keji ini.
Maafin gue ya temen temen, gue ga maksud buat harkosin kalian.
Maaf yaaa :')
Kalian pernah kecil? Pernah SD? Gue rasa pernah..
Kali ini gue mau bahas tentang buku diary..
Ya, buku diary.
Sadar gak sadar.
Kalian (khususnya cewek) pasti pernah punya buku diary.
Kita sering ceritain rahasia kita ke buku itu, bukan ke orang orang.
Bahkan, kalo ada sampe yang baca buku diary kita, kita langsung marah dan bahkan nangis.
Pernah ngalamin hal itu? Gue juga sama.
Ini buku diary gue dari SD,SMP, sampe sekarang.
Buku ini gue dapet dari temen gue namanya Amalia Andani. Ini kado buat gue di tahun 2006.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Love Hurts
People said that "If you are patient in waiting of something, that thing will be come true."
At first, I trust that sentence. I was waiting and trying. To get what I really want. Yes, I just want.. love.
Then people said that love is beautiful. I try to find in which side they feel "love is beautiful."
Day by day, time passed away.
I've been waiting for thatfuckin miracle since that time. A years ago. I've been trying. I've been waiting. I've been praying. But, where are the miracles? Were those people lying? I don't think so.
Night after night, my love for that person was getting higher. But... I didn't think that it was beautiful.
I was killed by this love. I was hurted. I was broken.
Yes, I couldn't get what I wanted. I couldn't get what I've been waiting.
At first, I trust that sentence. I was waiting and trying. To get what I really want. Yes, I just want.. love.
Then people said that love is beautiful. I try to find in which side they feel "love is beautiful."
Day by day, time passed away.
I've been waiting for that
Night after night, my love for that person was getting higher. But... I didn't think that it was beautiful.
I was killed by this love. I was hurted. I was broken.
Yes, I couldn't get what I wanted. I couldn't get what I've been waiting.
Love isn't always beautiful. And things that you are waiting for, not always will happen.
So, just accept the truth that you can't get what you want.
What you gotta do is only one. Make it an experience in your life and don't repeat it :)When You Love Someone - Endah and Rhesa
I love you but it’s not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you’re still in my dream
And I can’t stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…
I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say… “hello”
And I can’t stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…
And I never thought that I’m so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can’t be wrong
Don’t ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way….
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…
I wanna touch and hold you forever
But you’re still in my dream
And I can’t stand to wait ‘till nite is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…
I used to hide and watch you from a distance and i knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer at least to say… “hello”
And I can’t stand to wait your love is coming to my life
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…
And I never thought that I’m so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can’t be wrong
Don’t ever give up just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way….
When you love someone
Just be brave to say that you want him to be with you
When you hold your love
Don’t ever let it go
Or you will loose your chance
To make your dreams come true…
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Hello everybody, I just wanna share something in here.
Don't know why but now I'm feeling so... blue
Yes, I feel bad, I feel like something might happen, or maybe my dream won't come true.
I need someone who can cheer me up, I need someone who can support me.
I feel like I'm livin' alone. No one cares and yap, so desperate.
Don't know why but now I'm feeling so... blue
Yes, I feel bad, I feel like something might happen, or maybe my dream won't come true.
I need someone who can cheer me up, I need someone who can support me.
I feel like I'm livin' alone. No one cares and yap, so desperate.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Orang Gila
Ini cerita tanggal 6 Oktober 2011. Yap, hari Kamis. Kamis yang membawa petaka buat gue. Kenapa? Karena.... karena.... Ya! Baca aja ini cerita, semoga bisa dijadikan referensi.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
What is the meaning of friend? A person who will always on your side when you have problems? A person who loves you whoever you are? A person who understands what you feel? Is it right? But now I feel so lonely, I feel like they just give me their fake smile then they told me their stupid lies...
Raisa - Apalah Arti Menunggu
Telah lama aku bertahan
Demi cinta wujudkan sebuah harapan
Namun ku rasa cukup ku menunggu
Semua rasa telah hilang
Sekarang aku tersadar
Cinta yang ku tunggu tak kunjung datang
Apalah arti aku menunggu
Bila kamu tak cinta lagi
Namun ku rasa cukup ku menunggu
Semua rasa telah hilang
Sekarang aku tersadar
Cinta yang ku tunggu tak kunjung datang
Apalah arti aku menunggu
Bila kamu tak cinta lagi
Dahulu kaulah segalanya
Dahulu hanya dirimu yang ada dihatiku
Namun sekarang aku mengerti
Tak perlu ku menunggu sebuah cinta yang sama
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Can you feel the atmosphere? It's really different. Yes, we're going to celebrate Mubarak Eid tomorrow. And you know what? This year is not the same with the years before. Why? Because, in Indonesia the "Lebaran" day is celebrated not in the same day. There are some people who celebrate Lebaran on Tuesday (30/08/2011) and some people celebrate Lebaran on the nexy day, Wednesday (31/08/2011). Why is it happen?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Meaning Of Life
Be born. Learn to talk. Go to school. Get up to school. Study hard.
Graduate. Look for job. Find better job. Make money. Make more money.
Save money. Meet somebody. Go out with somebody. Marry somebody. Make money.
Read “Man are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. Move up the ladder at work.
Make more money. Get u go to work. Come home and watch television. Have a baby.
Mow the lawn. Have another baby. Make more money. Buy a family car. Buy bigger television.
Hunting for supermarket sale. Make money. Buy Elmo & Barney videos for the kids.
Eat at McDonald’s. Go see the latest romantic comedy movie. Take a vacation to Disneyland.
Buy a dog for the kids. Call the plumber when sink is broken. Make more money.
Cast your vote to “American Idol”. Take up golf. Go to high school reunion.
Make more money. Send the kids to college. Get kind of fat. Become grand parent.
Take Bayer aspirin for your Arthritis. Finish making money. Retire. Get old. Die.
Graduate. Look for job. Find better job. Make money. Make more money.
Save money. Meet somebody. Go out with somebody. Marry somebody. Make money.
Read “Man are from Mars, Women are from Venus”. Move up the ladder at work.
Make more money. Get u go to work. Come home and watch television. Have a baby.
Mow the lawn. Have another baby. Make more money. Buy a family car. Buy bigger television.
Hunting for supermarket sale. Make money. Buy Elmo & Barney videos for the kids.
Eat at McDonald’s. Go see the latest romantic comedy movie. Take a vacation to Disneyland.
Buy a dog for the kids. Call the plumber when sink is broken. Make more money.
Cast your vote to “American Idol”. Take up golf. Go to high school reunion.
Make more money. Send the kids to college. Get kind of fat. Become grand parent.
Take Bayer aspirin for your Arthritis. Finish making money. Retire. Get old. Die.
Kenapa harus @RadioGalauFM??? Gue juga nggak tau yang pasti gue pengen aja ngebahas ini acc twitter. Yap! Sekarang, bagi twitter user.. siapa sih yang gak tau @RadioGalauFM? Buat lo lo yang kerjaannya galau tiap hari, buat abg labil pasti pada taulah semua.
Gue bukan pemilik account ini, temen yang punya account juga bukan, kerabatnya juga engga, tetanngga apa lagi. Yang jelas gue ga tau siapa yang punya account ini..
Gue tertarik banget mau bahas beberapa tweet dari account ini yang beberapa hari silam gue liat di timeline gue sendiri.
Gue bukan pemilik account ini, temen yang punya account juga bukan, kerabatnya juga engga, tetanngga apa lagi. Yang jelas gue ga tau siapa yang punya account ini..
Gue tertarik banget mau bahas beberapa tweet dari account ini yang beberapa hari silam gue liat di timeline gue sendiri.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Penderitaan yang mendalam
Tepat tanggal 25 Agustus 2011
Selamat pagi semuanya! (disini pagi)
Oke sekarang gue mau nulis cerita nih request dari Yogi Fahmi Riandito.
Kita mulai saja ya, bismillahirahmanirahim
Disuatu malam di komplek Indraprasta, sekitar pukul setengah 10.. Terdengar suara motor dijalanan, dan setibanya motor itu datang.. ternyata ada wanita yang turun dari motor itu. Ya! Sebuah wanita! Eh, seorang maksud saya.
Wanita itu berkerudung dan nampaknya ia merasa sangat senang tetapi bercampur dengan ekspresi kelelahan. Wanita itu adalah....... gue.
Yap semalem emang gue abis ada acara buka bareng gitu sama temen temen kelas XI Social 2. Seru abis lohhhh, buat lo lo anak kelas gue yg ga ikut. Gue yakin banget, pas baca ini kalian pasti langsung pengen loncat dari lantai 2 botani square.
Selamat pagi semuanya! (disini pagi)
Oke sekarang gue mau nulis cerita nih request dari Yogi Fahmi Riandito.
Kita mulai saja ya, bismillahirahmanirahim
Disuatu malam di komplek Indraprasta, sekitar pukul setengah 10.. Terdengar suara motor dijalanan, dan setibanya motor itu datang.. ternyata ada wanita yang turun dari motor itu. Ya! Sebuah wanita! Eh, seorang maksud saya.
Wanita itu berkerudung dan nampaknya ia merasa sangat senang tetapi bercampur dengan ekspresi kelelahan. Wanita itu adalah....... gue.
Yap semalem emang gue abis ada acara buka bareng gitu sama temen temen kelas XI Social 2. Seru abis lohhhh, buat lo lo anak kelas gue yg ga ikut. Gue yakin banget, pas baca ini kalian pasti langsung pengen loncat dari lantai 2 botani square.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Independence Day of Indonesia
17 August 2011, 66th year of Indonesia since 17 August 1945
This are the photos of ceremony at SMA Negeri 2 Bogor, taken by me :)
Today is Sunday and yap! We're starting do activities in holiday! What will you do first? Buy new clothes for Idul Fitri? Buy some cookies? Or what? It's all up to you. I just wanna tell you that this holiday makes me feel lil bit sad cause I can't see "him" at school -___- *curcol
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
This song was so me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Welcome To My Life"
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place,
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you?
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you're screaming?
No, you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
(chorus) To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No, you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
SMOSH - Ian new hot girlfriend <-- click this link
I'm SMOSH addict
Guys!! You should watch this video! It can make you laugh, I promise.
For you all who are galau or something, you have to try this medicine :)
I'm looking at you. You're looking at me. We're looking at each other. That's what I called "love at the first sight"
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Killing Me Inside - Let It Go
I try so hard to make you mine but it's so hard
You said that you just wanted
Me and I'm not sure
But you don't care you make me so down
Don't try to hide with everything we got
So I'll take my time to get you now
I know you'll never understand
You take your way when everything feel's wrong
Tonight will never end, just let it go
I took a change
I took a fall yes I was blind
And now I see everything was gone, just let it go
Just let it go I tell you now
Just walk away and don't look back
You said that you just wanted
Me and I'm not sure
But you don't care you make me so down
Don't try to hide with everything we got
So I'll take my time to get you now
I know you'll never understand
You take your way when everything feel's wrong
Tonight will never end, just let it go
I took a change
I took a fall yes I was blind
And now I see everything was gone, just let it go
Just let it go I tell you now
Just walk away and don't look back
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Guys!! Long time no see you. This is my 100 posted! Wuhuuuuu I love it, now I want to post about my lovely pet. You know who right? Yes, Thomas. His full name is.... is..... Thomas.... Ok i haven't made it, so skip it.
I wanna show you my cat activities when he is getting crazy.
I wanna show you my cat activities when he is getting crazy.
Look when he is sleepy!!! (up)
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Ini cerita berawal dari nyokap gue nyuruh gue matiin kompor kalo misalkan singkong yang direbus dalam air gula merah, airnya udah abis. Awalnya gue diem depan kompor, nungguin sampe air di dalem panci itu abis. Oke udah lama gue berdiri, akhirnya gue iseng mau liat isinya, dan.. ternyata..... airnya...masih...penuh... T_T
Gue bete. Gue memutuskan buat sarapan dulu. Gue pun menyantap indomie dengan semangkok nasi.. Setelah merasa kenyang, gue berniat untk liat kompor lagi, ternyata airnya masih penuh juga. Kali ini gue biasa aja, karena udah ngeduga bakal jd kaya gini. Gue memutuskan utk jemur pakaian dulu di atas. Gue keatas ditemenin sm Thomas, what a lovely pet he is! Terus tuh ya, selesai jemur baju, gue kebawah...
Gue bete. Gue memutuskan buat sarapan dulu. Gue pun menyantap indomie dengan semangkok nasi.. Setelah merasa kenyang, gue berniat untk liat kompor lagi, ternyata airnya masih penuh juga. Kali ini gue biasa aja, karena udah ngeduga bakal jd kaya gini. Gue memutuskan utk jemur pakaian dulu di atas. Gue keatas ditemenin sm Thomas, what a lovely pet he is! Terus tuh ya, selesai jemur baju, gue kebawah...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Minggu, 3 Juli 2011
Hari itu masih pagi ketika gue dan segenap keluarga gue lagi di ruang tamu, tepatnya jam 06.00 nungguin Pak Ustad dateng.. Ya, kita bukan mau demo masak untuk sarapan bareng, atau mungkin untuk senam pagi bareng.. Tapi dia dateng buat ngebimbing kita ngaji O:) *namanyajugaustad
Oke cerita dimulai, ini cerita akan dimulai ketika cerita akan dimulai jadi pas cerita dimulai itu, ceritanya gua muai. Nah bingung kan? Makanya ayo kita mulai aja ceritanya ga usah banyak bacot..
Tau kan gue pny kucing namanya Thomas? (yang ga tau bisa liat postingan berlabel Thomas)
Awalnya dulu gue pernah bawa anak kucing kecil sekali, namanya Mira. Mira itu jalannya masih susah jalan gt, tapi suaranya udah melengking. Gue bingung, jangan jangan ini kucing kecil kecil udah baligh. Bener bener dewasa sebelum waktunya...
Hari itu masih pagi ketika gue dan segenap keluarga gue lagi di ruang tamu, tepatnya jam 06.00 nungguin Pak Ustad dateng.. Ya, kita bukan mau demo masak untuk sarapan bareng, atau mungkin untuk senam pagi bareng.. Tapi dia dateng buat ngebimbing kita ngaji O:) *namanyajugaustad
Oke cerita dimulai, ini cerita akan dimulai ketika cerita akan dimulai jadi pas cerita dimulai itu, ceritanya gua muai. Nah bingung kan? Makanya ayo kita mulai aja ceritanya ga usah banyak bacot..
Tau kan gue pny kucing namanya Thomas? (yang ga tau bisa liat postingan berlabel Thomas)
Awalnya dulu gue pernah bawa anak kucing kecil sekali, namanya Mira. Mira itu jalannya masih susah jalan gt, tapi suaranya udah melengking. Gue bingung, jangan jangan ini kucing kecil kecil udah baligh. Bener bener dewasa sebelum waktunya...
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Catatan (Harian) Si Boy
Nuke terbaring sakit namun tangannya tidak pernah lepas memegang sebuah buku. Anak Nuke yang bernama Natasha (Carissa Puteri) pulang dari London untuk menemui ibunya. Dokter hampir menyerah dan menyarankan Natasha mencari pemilik buku tersebut untuk membuat ibunya senang di akhir hayatnya.
Di jalanan, Satrio (Ario Bayu) sedang berpacu dengan mobilnya sebagai pembalap liar didukung 3 sahabat baiknya.
Dalam satu kejadian, mereka semua bertemu di kantor polisi. Satrio yang tertarik dengan Natasha memutuskan untuk membantu Natasha mencari pemilik buku yang dipegang Nuke, yang ternyata adalah sebuah buku catatan harian seorang laki-laki bernama Boy (Onky Alexander).
Namun usaha mereka tidak berjalan mulus saat cinta segitiga terbentuk, para preman muncul, kekerasan terjadi dan Boy mungkin sudah berubah tidak seperti yang tergambarkan di buku hariannya.
Sebuah regenerasi dari seri yang menjadi ikon di tahun 80an, di-update dengan cerita yang
segar, seru dan menyenangkan dengan para bintang-bintang yang sudah dan akan bersinar
Jenis Film :
Produser :
Produksi :
Homepage :
Rating LSF :
Durasi :
Cast and crew:
Pemain :
Ario Bayu
Carissa Putri
Poppy Sovia
Abimana Setya
Albert Halim
Tara Basro
Paul Foster
Carissa Putri
Poppy Sovia
Abimana Setya
Albert Halim
Tara Basro
Paul Foster
Sutradara :
Putrama Tuta
Penulis :
Priesnanda Dwisatria
Ilya Sigma
Ilya Sigma
Menurut gue, ini film turut diacungi jempol. Bagus buat remaja, film yang mendidik kalo buat gue sih soalnya banyak pesan moral yg tersampaikan dari film tsb. Film ini gak kaya film film Indonesia yang lain yg horor horor menjurus ke bokep gitu. Ini rekomendasi film yg baguslah pokoknya, jgn sampe deh lewatin film Indonesia yg kaya gini. Biar persepsi kita ttg film Indonesia itu gak selalu jelek. Hati hati jg kalo abis nonton film ini bisa kecanduan suka sama Ario Bayu (Satrio). Hihihihi :p
Hari ini hari sabtu malem, tepatnya tanggal 16 Juli 2011..
Yap! Liburan sudah mau berakhir... ber-a-khir.. BERAKHIR!!
Plis banget deh, liburan macam apa ini?! Gue gak kemana mana! Bahkan gue gak main sm temen temen :(
Dan yang paling ngenes lagi, di liburan panjang nan membosankan ini... gue sakit! Kurang menderita apa gue?
Ini gak adil, sungguh gak adil, dan lebih gak adilnya lagi kayanya berat badan gue naik *nangis*
Liburan yang kegiatannya cuma gitu gitu aja, mending sekolah aje dahhhhhh -_-v
Bukannya gak bersyukur dikasih liburan, ta ta tapi ini se se semua tuh gak pas aja..
Pengen liburan yg beneran liburan..
Yaudah deh skrg mending kita sambut aja daily activity kita!!!
Anna's story
Anna had a very special reason for getting up early the next day, so she set up the alarm for 5 am. She prepared herself to face that day. This special day was not only for her, but for all of her family.
After praying subuh, she and all of the family member decorated the house to welcome "someone special". It took 2 hours for them to decorate it. And now, the house looked so beautiful with the flowers hanging in the corner of the room.
It was 9 am when they had already prepared everything. After that, they all went to the airport. On the way to the airport, they decided to have lunch in the rest area. While they were eating, they watched a bad news on TV . about a plane which sank into the sea. They were shock when they knew it. It was a plane that carried Anna's mom. No one survived from the accident. Anna's mom died. And all of the preparation was a waste.
This is a story which is made by me (Rina), then Alifia, and Ghina.
After praying subuh, she and all of the family member decorated the house to welcome "someone special". It took 2 hours for them to decorate it. And now, the house looked so beautiful with the flowers hanging in the corner of the room.
It was 9 am when they had already prepared everything. After that, they all went to the airport. On the way to the airport, they decided to have lunch in the rest area. While they were eating, they watched a bad news on TV . about a plane which sank into the sea. They were shock when they knew it. It was a plane that carried Anna's mom. No one survived from the accident. Anna's mom died. And all of the preparation was a waste.
This is a story which is made by me (Rina), then Alifia, and Ghina.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Harry Potti
Oke, gue bakal ngebayangin apa yang akan terjadi seandainya tokoh film ternama buatan J.K. Rowling yaitu Harry Potter memakai simPATI...
Karena simPATI adalah provider yang menawarkan banyak sekali keuntungan untuk para customernya, gue yakin banget pasti Harry bakal milih simPATI untuk jadi provider handphonenya.
Semenjak pake simPATI, Harry pasti ga bakal pusing pusing lagi buat nelfon atau sms, karena simPATI memiliki tarif yang murah untuk memudahkan customernya berkomunikasi. Gue yakin, kalo gue ngasih tau Harry pasti dia bakalan seneng banget!!
You can't determine what you will be, but you can try to get and be what you will be
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Oke, gue bingung mau posting apa..
Oke, gue bingung mau posting apa..
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Hello fellas! I've already received my report and yap! Now I'm a social student! I'm so excited to be accepted in here. Yuhuuuu! Yippie! Yihaaa!
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Lost lost lost.. I didn't lose you. I just don't want to meet you, see your face, hear your voice, and receive your message. You have made me feel this way. Now, I really hate you. Don't ask me why. You have to know it by yourself..
Halo semuanya!! Gue punya cerita aneh tentang kucing gue yg bernama "Thomas" ini.
Oke langsung aja ya gue mulai ceritanya
Pada suatu hari..
Ketika gue sekolah, kk gue pergi dan nyokap bokap gue kerja. Si Thomas kita tinggalin sendiri di dalem rumah tak ada yg menemani. Lalu, saat bokap gue balik. Ternyata bokap gue menemukan si Thomas dalam keadaan basah kuyup!! Gak ada yg tau kenapa, mungkin dia nyebur di bak mandi atau apa. Prihatin... Dan setelah dicek lagi ternyata pintu rumah gue rusak kayunya patah gitu, diakibatkan karena si Thomas nyakar2 sampe lepas. Amazing! Ada apa dengan dia?!!
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Gosh! I was shock when I knew the truth!! This is what I called weird. I've already told you right if I had a pet, she is a cat and her name is Barbara. She has been living in my house for 4 months. And all of my family thought that she is a cat woman....
Saturday, June 18, 2011
I feel like I'm in the holiday atmosphere, I feel the fresh air, can you feel it? Take a deep breathe and..... You feel that! Yes I really enthusiastic with this. This is what I'm waiting for! We can do anything we want, take a rest for 2 weeks, lay in bed, watch dvd, and online for 24 hours! Hihihi I'd love to say goodbye to science lesson cause I really want to be accepted in social class. There's no more chemicals, there's no more biologys, and the important one, there's no more physics! Yippieeeeeee! What a good day without that un-important lesson :p
I think I'll post many kinds in this month. So, see yaaaa babay :) Have a great holiday guys
Friday, June 17, 2011
The exam has already ended! What a happy news? I'm so happy that I have passed that. My brain still hot because of the exam. I have tried my best, I hope God gives me the best too. I really want to be accepted in social class, cause I wanna go to Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik in Universitas Indonesia. I really really want it!! And I hope, my teacher can help me in pmdk O:)
But... there are remedial which is waiting for me T_T It is so sad, I wanna spend my day at home, or go out somewhere with my friends. I WANT HOLIDAY!!!!!!!!!!
Our quotes
- Sometimes, what we want isn't happend.... It means God has something better for us. Trust it
- I try to be the best with doing some better things
- It's not about how much you love me. It's about you'll leave me or not, someday
- I hope someday you’ll find all my quotes, all my words, and read them all. I hope you’ll know that they’re all about you
- "My biggest fear is being forgotten."
- I don't need another man, I just wanna be with you
- Everything turns into a flat thing, nothing special from day to a day.. This is what I called a fuckin' life
- L.o.v.e is a kind of word which so hard to be expressed
- I know you don't think that I am trying
- A function of memory is to be a motivator for us to move on, not to stuck
- Those who act like they know everything, are annoying to those of us who do.
- Eventhough I'm not the only one for you, but you're the only one for me
- Every person has their own perception about somethig. Don't ever think if what you think is what they think. You're wrong
- When ur bestfriend said "I don't wanna lose you" I think they really meant it, not like boys.
- I call it love at the first sight, this is happend by seeing your eyes and your smile
- I go to your fb/twitter page because I miss you, then regret it because of what I see.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Nyontek itu kreatifitas
Ulangan itu bagaikan kehidupan, kita yang memilih dan itulah resikonya.
Semua orang pasti pengen sukses di kehidupannya, sama kaya ulangan, namun terkadang di ulangan itu ada satu soal yang kita ga bisa jawab walaupun kita sudah belajar, dan biasanya kita mencari jalan keluar dengan cara "nyontek".
Sama kaya kehidupan disaat kita mendapat masalah, pasti kita bakalan cari jalan keluarnya !
Contohnya seseorang yang akan melakukan perjalanan ke pedalaman pasti bakal menservis motornya sebelum perjalanan.
Monday, May 30, 2011
What the.....
Halo assalamualaikum selamat pagi bagi yang bacanya pagi, selamat siang buat yang bacanya siang, dan selamat malam buat yang bacanya malam!!!!
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, karena atas rahmat dan berkatnya, saya Shabrina Tri Andini selaku pemilik dari website ini dapat menulis dengan hati yang cukup gembira dan sedikit resah karena..... sesuatu hal yang tidak bisa saya jelaskan disini.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Everything turns into a flat thing. I feel like there's nothing special in a day to day, this is what I called fuckin' life. When I feel there's no one who care with me, when I feel like I've been forgotten by my friends. It was so sucks... Have you ever felt like this before? The one that I hate so much is when I adore someone and my friend adore him too. What the.....
Is there anyone can cheer me up? Live my life? I need it so damn much.
Love is such a damn thing for me right now. I can't see a brighter day if I spend my time like this.
I can't think what is better for me right now, should I give up or keep survive with love?
I'm afraid if the ending will be disappointed. Maybe Avril's song is match for me right now...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Bruno Mars - Lazy Song
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I can't
I'll be lounging on the couch just chilling in my Snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all, nothing at all
Tomorrow I'll wake up, do some P90X
Find a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
And she's gonna scream out
This is great
(Oh my god, this is great)
Yeah, I might mess around
And get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
I'm gonna kick my feet up then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gon' tell me I can't
I'll be lounging on the couch just chilling in my Snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all, nothing at all
Tomorrow I'll wake up, do some P90X
Find a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
And she's gonna scream out
This is great
(Oh my god, this is great)
Yeah, I might mess around
And get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait
Oh yes, I said it, I said it
I said it 'cause I can
Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh, today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Actually I don't have something to do.
Today is my last holiday, and tomorrow.... school time!! what the....
I just wanna post something that can make you feel bored and think "what is this??"
But no problem, this is my blog and yaaaa it's up to me if I wanna post anything I want
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a talent in many kinds of activities or lessons..
I know that every person has their own talent, maybe I haven't found it.
Make sure that someday I'll find it O:)
Today is my last holiday, and tomorrow.... school time!! what the....
I just wanna post something that can make you feel bored and think "what is this??"
But no problem, this is my blog and yaaaa it's up to me if I wanna post anything I want
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a talent in many kinds of activities or lessons..
I know that every person has their own talent, maybe I haven't found it.
Make sure that someday I'll find it O:)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Halo guys sekarang gue mau update dan sedikit membahas tentang apa yang bakal lo rasain kalo........... mau tau apa aja? Check it out!!
Apa yang lo rasain kalo...
1. Lu suka sama orang tapi orang itu malah suka sama temen lu sendiri
2. Lu ke restoran, udah bayar mahal taunya makanannya ga enak
3. Lu udah teriak2 taunya temen lu ga nengok
4. Lu beli ciki mahal taunya isinya angin doang
5. Ada yang sms lu taunya zonk! dari provider
6. Lu udah dadah2 ke temen lu, tapi dia ga liat
7. Temen deket lu sendiri lupa kapan ulangtahun lu
8. Lu udah nunggu seseorang tapi dia malah sama yang lain
9. Lu suka sama orang tapi orang itu diadeuhnya tuh sama temen lu sendiri.. bukan sama lu
10. Udah ngetweet bagus2 tapi ga ada yang RT
11. Udah antri panjang2 taunya tiket abis
12. Udah deket sama orang, taunya harkos
13. Udah belajar semaleman taunya remed remed juga
14. Dll
Jawaban dari apa yang lu rasain dari ini semua adalah.... "NYESEK"
YBA Bogor has just updated the result about the student exchange..
Actually I've already opened the website since I woke up in the morning (22 May 2011)
And the result hadn't updated yet..
I was waiting for a longtime and til now at 8 PM.
There's no my number so it means I fail in the first test
No problem,I think there will be a chance for me to study in other countries, maybe after I graduate from UI, amin!!
I just wanna say thank you for all of the people who prayed for me, love you xoxo
Actually I've already opened the website since I woke up in the morning (22 May 2011)
And the result hadn't updated yet..
I was waiting for a longtime and til now at 8 PM.
There's no my number so it means I fail in the first test
No problem,I think there will be a chance for me to study in other countries, maybe after I graduate from UI, amin!!
I just wanna say thank you for all of the people who prayed for me, love you xoxo
Sunday, May 15, 2011
What the.... God, I'm so speechless!!!! I never thought before if you act like this. You've made me disappointed. And now, I can't believe a man except my dad and my brother. Thank you for making me feel this way.
Gosh!! You know what? My friend said that I hated her. She said like that was all my fault. I did this to you cause I want you be a better person. I just don't like if you disturb me while doing something. So please............................. positive thinking
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Today is so boring, I don't have something to do and I don't go anywhere. Ya, just stay at home. At first, I wanted to train drama with my classmate. But suddenly, my friend canceled it...
Now, I'm just spending my time in front of the laptop.. Searching a material for debate contest which will be held on Tuesday at school. I hope I can do it better with my partner Denisa and Rachman.
Hello viewers! Today is Saturday, 7th May 2011
I've just received my report.. Ya, my mid report.
I thought that my scores were bad, but.....
This is the result of my mid, and daily scores..
No | Lesson | KKM | Score | | |
| | | PPK | | |
| | | Daily | Remedial | UTS |
1 | Religion | 78 | 82 | | 91 |
2 | PKN | 76 | 77 | | 80 |
3 | Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | 76 | 90 | | 70 |
4 | English | 78 | 80 | | 86 |
5 | Mathematic | 76 | 90 | | 85 |
6 | Art | 76 | | | |
7 | Sport | 75 | | | 80 |
8 | History | 76 | 76 | | 76 |
9 | Geography | 76 | 47 | | 77 |
10 | Phisycs | 76 | 76 | | 48 |
11 | Biology | 78 | 82 | | 82 |
12 | Chemical | 75 | 75 | | 68 |
13 | Economy | 76 | 78 | | 50 |
14 | Accountingi | 76 | | | 43 |
15 | Sociology | 76 | 79 | | 78 |
16 | Computer | 76 | | | 78 |
17 | Japanesse | 76 | 78 | | 50 |
18 | Bahasa dan Budaya Sunda | 76 | 90 | | 80 |
19 | Environtment | 79 | | | 80 |
What do you think? Hmmm I don't think so if I'm good in science, I want to be in social class but my social scores aren't good enough. Is there any language class????????
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